compose :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> c
Read as "f" after "g"
The first function argument taken.
The result type of function g
and argument for function f
The result type of function f
A function that takes A
and returns C
by applying output of g
to f
Function composition. f after g. g andThen f
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
identity :: a -> a
The type of value taken and returned.
The value to return
The same value that was passed as the argument.
Identify function
isNotNull :: a | null -> a asserted
Filter nullable types from an array
The nullable value to be checked
once :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
The funtions argument type.
The function
A version of function f
that will only run once.
take :: number -> [a] -> [a]
Take a number of elements from a list.
The number of elements to take.
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